EVERYONE IS MY IDEAL PERSON,FUN AND FRIENDLY ground fucking man LIKE MYSELF, I ENJOY TEASE,MASSAGE,WATCHING WITH LIKE MINDED PEOPLE. Well lets see I spend a lot of time with my family and going out to special places women night as well! Mixed, hazel eyes.
Please include photo,first name and means to respond to you, can travel but the ideal would be for you to be a reasonable distance to me! I'm not looking for a serious ground fucking man relationship atm, but women in night im open. Men looking for random hookups, casual sex, FWB, submissives, switches or strictly pleasure Doms thank you but no thank you. Bubbly, fun, outgoing, absolutely amazing.
I'm looking for someone who is athletic, very fit who likes to have fun. Also someone who wants to get long women in night rounds of oral. I am a Canadian born Chinese, born and raised in ground fucking man Vancouver. If i met someone and things got more serious that would be a bonus.
I'm easy going not sure what I'm looking for, lets just see what happens.